Presidents Message

Dear Members,
The Stoney Creek Chamber of Commerce is in its 74th year of serving its membership and it is my pleasure to continue to serve as President of the Stoney Creek Chamber of Commerce for the coming year!
In addition to the 2023 Business Directory we have easy access to our Membership on our website with direct links to Members’ own websites. We are happy to share on our website or our social media any Member activities or Member highlights or activities that we know our Members are involved with – just let us know! Be sure to check out our website (, “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Support your local business community as much as you can by looking for member businesses. All these tools are invaluable to your business and keep our Community vibrant and in the news.
As your advocate, we strive to bring you viable networking events including Business After 5’s at member businesses, Luncheons with informative guest speakers, Lunch & Learns etc. Annual events include our Annual General Meeting, Community Achievement Awards GALA, Golf Tournament and Annual Holiday Gathering and these are great opportunities to take part, get involved in your community, and have fun!
From networking to education to exclusive membership discount programs, this year will bring more than ever to you. I encourage you all to take full advantage of the services available.
Our members are the foundation of the Stoney Creek Chamber of Commerce, and we will continue to work together to be the “voice of business” in our community. With our Executive Director, Brenda Wilson, along with our Administrator, Connie Behie, and a motivated Board of Directors, the Stoney Creek Chamber is a strong team with a mandate to advocate for our membership.
Thank you once again for your support. We encourage you to support your fellow members of the Chamber. The Chamber, after all IS YOU!
Ralph Vitello